Pelham Commercial Asbestos Abatement

At Eco Metal Recycling Inc., we're committed to helping you understand the dangers of asbestos at your business office or commercial area in Pelham. We want to work with you to ensure a safe environment no matter how you decide to address the problem of asbestos in your building.

Because Asbestos floor tiles were so effective and durable, it appears virtually everywhere in Southern Ontario. It is still being found in homes, businesses and institutions like schools and hospitals.

Usually, asbestos floor tiles came in a 9’x9’ piece tile, it also came in asbestos sheets or vinyl sheeting.

Asbestos was also commonly used in boiler and boiler pipe insulating materials prior to 1980. We provide Pelham boiler asbestos removal and Pelham boiler pipe asbestos removal for all residential buildings. We are certified to remove all types of asbestos from your building, business office or commercial area.

Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks logo

This asbestos must be safely removed and disposed by a qualified and certified Pelham asbestos removal company. ECO Metal Recycling is certified to provide Type 1 Asbestos Removal, Type 2 Asbestos Removal and Type 3 Asbestos Removal services in Pelham.

Eco Metal Recycling Inc is a fully complaint company registered and Approved contractor with the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP). We are approved by the MECP to haul and transport Asbestos to an approved waste facility in Pelham area.

Eco Metal has our own Environmental Compliance Approval Number 7071-BD9Q4S to hold Asbestos in a secure locked sealed container up to 90 days until we can delivery in bulk to a MECP land fill. We also hold a Environmental Compliance Approval Number 8282-BDYJMF to haul and Transport the Asbestos.

Every job completed in Pelham will come with a shipping document from our company to you or your address. It is illegal to ship Asbestos on Ontario highways unless you have a compliance number.

We take full responsibility and liability, this is to ensure that you have hired the right company according to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks.

Set up for commercial asbestos removal abatement in Pelham, Ontario


  • Working on materials that contain asbestos may release the fibers into the air.
  • Being exposed to small amounts over time can still have adverse health affects.
  • Asbestos must be properly removed by a qualified professional in order to avoid or minimize the release of asbestos fibers into the air.
  • Asbestos must be properly disposed.

Let us remove that commercial asbestos and insulation in Pelham.

Contact us today for your free consultation. We offer 24 hour and same day service.

Your Top Choice for Pelham Commercial Asbestos and Insulation Removal Jobs

Here are a few reasons why Eco Metal Recycling Inc is the best commercial asbestos removal company to use in Pelham:

  • On time arrival
  • Technicians are TSSA (Technical Standards and Safety Authority) Certified with OTB3 & OTB2 licenses.
  • WSIB Registered
  • TSSA – Certified Company Contractor
  • MTO – MP3 Dangerous goods transportation licensed and Insured
  • Proud Member of CARI “Canadian Association Recycling Industry”
  • Team Technicians are Professional, Polite and respectful
  • Liability insurance
  • Eco environmentally friendly process
  • We use more drop sheets than any other company to insure your home is well protected

Photo of Eco Metal asbestos removal contractor in Pelham, Ontario

Information About Asbestos

What is Asbestos?

Asbestos is a group of natural silicate minerals comprised of varying concentrations of tremolite, actinolite, anthophyllite, chrysotile, amosite and crocidolite. These bundles of fibers (up to 700 times smaller than a human hair) can be separated into thin, durable threads and used primarily for insulation until the late 1970s/early 1980s. Most commonly used types of asbestos are Chrysotile (white) and Amosite (brown / off-white). Asbestos is considered a form of hazardous waste.

Where is Asbestos Found?

Usually asbestos is found in building materials that were installed before 1981. Asbestos is most commonly found in the fibres of older construction materials, and asbestos removal is required in any building displaying high levels of these minerals. Building materials that may contain asbestos include: insulation, boiler insulation, boiler pipe insulation, wall and ceiling insulation, floor tiles, ceiling tiles, plasters, door gaskets, siding, cement roofing and shingles.

When is Asbestos Dangerous?

When left intact and undisturbed, asbestos containing materials do not pose a health risk to people working or living in buildings. However, when these materials are releasing dust or fibers into the air where they can be inhaled or ingested they become very harmful and can cause serious illnesses. Many of the fibers will become trapped in the mucous membranes of the nose and throat where they can then be removed, but some may pass deep into the lungs, or, if swallowed, into the digestive tract.

Steam piping covered in asbestos